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Student Medication Administration Update

School Districts in Texas are Required to follow Texas Education Code, while nursing actions are dictated from the board of nursing.

The board of nursing has dictated that a parent's request is not sufficient by itself for nurses to administer medication at school.

Any medication to be administered on a campus (prescription or over the counter) will now require a provider's signature along with a parent signature.  A signed permission form must be provided before any medication can be give to a student.  This includes all oral and topical medication (IE: No Neosporin, No Benadryl Cream, No TUMS, No Tylenol) whether prescription or over the counter.

Also, the most current prescription bottle or all medications will be required when they are refilled or more doses are brought to campuses.

Permission form can be found HERE.

If you don't have access to a printer, please call your students campus and we'd be happy to send the form home with your child.

Read More about Student Medication Administration Update

Sabine ISD Mission Statement

The Mission of the Sabine Independent School District is to provide appropriate, challenging opportunities in a safe and positive environment, so that all students can develop academically, mentally, emotionally, physically and socially to their fullest potential. Sabine ISD will prepare students to become good citizens and productive members of society by enabling them to be competent problem solvers and communicators, effective, collaborative workers and users of technology, and life-long learners.