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5303 Old Hwy 135 N
Gladewater, TX 75647
Phone: 903-984-4416
Fax: 986-3408

Destruction of Records Notice May 16, 2022  

The children of Texas come in all sizes, shapes, colors, and abilities. They do not all learn the same way, but they ALL do learn. Do you know of an infant, child, or young adult who does not learn easily or has an impairment that might affect his/her success in life? If you reside in Sabine ISD, Spring Hill ISD, or White Oak ISD please contact your campus principal or Vicki Thornton, Director of Special Education SSA, at (903) 984-4416. If your child is experiencing academic/behavioral problems and you would like to refer him/her for evaluation. PUBLIC EDUCATION IN TEXAS IS FOR EVERY CHILD. DON'T LEAVE ANY CHILD BEHIND.

The goal of Gregg County Special Education Shared Service Arrangement (GCSSA) is to ensure that all students with disabilities ages 3 to 21, as well as children with visual impairments and/or children who are deaf or hard of hearing, aged birth to three, have access to a free, appropriate public education. 

We know that every child learns at a different pace. Sometimes children need assistance in removing difficulties that prevent them from reaching their full potential.   GCSSA provides services to assist children with challenges that may interfere with their ability to be successful at school.  Problems with social interactions, speaking, seeing, hearing, moving, and learning issues may impede the child’s ability to succeed. 

 If you are concerned that your child seems to be learning differently and not meeting milestones for their age, please contact the school counselor in your child’s school district for more information.  We are here to help you meet the learning needs of your child. 

El objetivo del Acuerdo de Servicios Compartidos de Educación Especial del Condado de Gregg (GCSSA) es garantizar que todos los estudiantes con discapacidades de 3 a 21 años, así como los niños con discapacidades visuales y/o sordos o con problemas de audición, desde el nacimiento hasta los tres años, tengan acceso a una educación pública gratuita y adecuada.

 Sabemos que cada niño aprende a un ritmo diferente. A veces los niños necesitan ayuda para superar las dificultades que les impiden alcanzar su máximo potencial. GCSSA brinda servicios para ayudar a los niños con desafíos que pueden interferir con su capacidad para tener éxito en la escuela. Las interacciones sociales, las dificultades para hablar, ver, oír, moverse y aprender pueden impedir la capacidad del niño para tener éxito.

 Si le preocupa que su hijo parezca estar aprendiendo de manera diferente y no esté cumpliendo con los objetivos de su edad, comuníquese con el consejero escolar del distrito escolar de su hijo para obtener más información. Estamos aquí para ayudarle a satisfacer las necesidades de aprendizaje de su hijo.